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Your new business is your baby, and you are understandably obsessed with its success. You think about it day and night; it occupies every free moment and shows up in your dreams. You two are tight, but a little legal separation is needed to protect everything you’ve worked hard to amass and enjoy.

Consider setting up your new business through a legal entity called a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Corporation. Both of these entities will generally protect the assets of the individuals who own and run the business from the business’s liabilities.

56914907_MStarting a new business is an exciting but risky proposition. The goal is to do amazingly well and see your dream become reality, but the hard reality is that despite your best efforts, your business may fail. You may also be sued by any number of individuals or entities that interact with your business, from employees to vendors.

We’d love to help you get your business off to a smart start. Contact us today for a solid game plan for your new venture. We can’t wait to be part of your team!